Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hits to ya' Baby Maker!!

"Perhaps it's the colour of the  sun capped fly or the crossroads I'm standing at....Or maybe it's the weather or someting like that, but Mama you've been on my mind." I woke up this morning with an old feeling in my soul. I felt like life was showing me a mirror of the future or maybe I awoke with an intense LSD flashback, but whatever I felt, it was warm and alive! Usually at a pivotal point of my life, I have very vivid dreams and this morning one was born.  I dreamt I was a Dad to a beautiful enfant girl. In the dream, I'd walk the streets of chelsea with her to my office and we'd leave at night  coming home to a small apartment.  There was a woman who lived with me and we seemed happy- quietly happy-  You know- reading books in between words and playing Dylan in the morning or Bach at night to put our little girl to sleep.   There was something quite  slow and calm about the whole dream. And that's what made it feel so real!  However, the possibility of it being a reality without me ever knowing I have a kid is imposible.  I guess there was always some  displaced feeling since I walked away from whatsherface, but what's the fuggin' chance of it coming to those terms.  Fug it! For now,  I'll just be curious to know, place a jacket over my shoulders, and go for a ride. 
Oh, so last week, The Schieles began a new song.  Noah and I will re work it as soon as we's worth the sneek peek we put on myspace!  And wait...Happy Birthday N. Rubin!
B. Dylan's gorgeous tracks that I would wake up to play if I had an enfant 1) Mama, You've been on my mind 2) Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts (Right click it!)

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