Saturday, February 21, 2009


GET IT IN GEAR OR GET IT IN YOUR EAR!!!  I swore Christian Bale said this to his girlfriend as I was walking into Tartine for brunch. Or he could have said something a whole lot sweeter. Today, I feel like the sloppiest fox on farm!  It has totally taken me 30 minutes to place this post.  Blame it on the pain! Blame it on the pain in that dudes eyes when I was kissing his girlfriend last night.  Not a proud moment by no means, but she was asking for it. 
Yesterday concluded fashion week and I was there to run wild at most of the good ones and ended up hating all of them because girls kept asking me questions about the Dandy Warhols and yogaveda, but I just wanted to make out.  Sounds like a fuggin morrissey lyric!  I came home at 7am with the focus of a retard.  I went to bed for 2 hours and I began my day allover again. Somewhere in this dizzy day I was emailed a Vid' from Devore of AMAZING BABY- You know that brooklyn band composed of really young dudes with the hearts and soul of wild polynesian tigers!  Well, yeah that's them!  They've been in Europe touring and so they stoped in Fleche D'Or in Paris to talk about mystics and why being from New York is Supercool!
Tonight, I'd like to go out for drive,  drink some whiskey,  see my wild cat and touch my girlfriend- PURRRRRR!

Here's some SALTY cuts from Colder (Trevor Jackson's version of Joy Division!) and Telefon Tel Aviv to get you to your downward spiral.

Colder- SIlicone Sexy frrom 2003 album Again (right lick it)

Telefon Tel Aviv- M from 2008 Immolate Yourself (right lick it)


  1. No one really know how to take it slow...get you mellow...then pop you with an explanation point, quite like Jack Bower!

  2. Re Dr Bernay - No she is not - I never have done drugs in my life. I am glad to read this comment David Palmer. Since this debacle - I have found out that I have Mitral Valve Prolapse , RBB , AND systolic injection murmur. I have never been a drug seeker. My father died at the age of 40 from a heart condition. I am glad I found this comment. I will be updating this blog. Thank you David Palmer!
    Much appreciate re ( Dr Laura Bernay)
